A Mystery Knit Along is an act of Faith

October 26, 2015 2 min read

Mystery box

In November, we're doing our first ever Mystery Knitalong. You may be wondering, "What is a mystery Knitalong?"  Well, it's where you sign up to knit something, but you don't know exactly what that something is.  A mystery knitalong is an act of faith. It's a statement that you trust someone enough to follow them on a trip to you-don't-know-where through all manner of you-don't-know-what. We promise that the trip will be fun, and the end product will be fabulous. How can you be sure?  Well, Mary selected the project, and everyone always loves whatever Mary is knitting.  Plus, she'll be your cheerful and helpful guide throughout.

It is a mystery, but we will tell you that you'll be making a wrap. We'll also tell you that the yarn is amaaaaazing. We've selected Lana Gatto's VIP because it's luxurious to knit and comes in lots of colors.

You just know your project is going to be lovely - how could it not be with this yarn! We've put together seven different palettes, so you're sure to find one you love. 

We'll be kicking off the Mystery KAL on First Friday, November 6th, so come by the shop anytime between now and then and pick out your kit. We'll send out the first set of clues Friday morning. Work away on that portion of the project. You'll have two weeks until the next clue arrives. There will be 4 clues in all followed by the big reveal at our holiday party, Friday, December 18th.

So hurry and get your kit because this is going to be very fun and you don't want to miss out!

Key dates:
Kick off and Clue 1 -- November 6th
Clue 2 -- November 21
Clue 3 -- December 5
Clue 4 -- December 12
the Big Reveal and holiday party - Friday, December 18

I look forward to seeing you in the shop and around the table.  You are always welcome here!  ~Ellen

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