The knitting type

February 29, 2016 1 min read

I got an email from my cousin, Robert, the other day.  His wife's boss is moving to this area, and he said, "I told her about your shop and showed her your website.  I'm not sure she's the knitting type, though." 

The knitting type.  What does that mean anyway?  I think about the people who regularly join us Friday mornings, or Saturday afternoons and I see such a mix.  Who are we?  We're engineers, teachers, retired attorneys, college professors, paralegals, travel agents, hair dressers, and more.  We're 30-something, 40-something, 50-something, 60-something, 70-something.  We're married, we're single.  We have 8 kids, we have no kids, we're working moms, we're stay at home moms.  We're Black, White, Hispanic, Korean, Jewish, Danish, Italian, Scottish, whatever. 

There is no knitting type, and I believe that it is this very diversity that binds us in community.  Around the table you'll meet people with whom you already share a passion but would probably never have met otherwise.  Around the table, we become friends with relative strangers.  We talk about work, kids, relationships.  We discuss movies, music, culture.  We talk about the past, the present, and the future.  We share our lives and ourselves, and everyone is richer for the sharing.  I thank each of you for what you bring to the table.

Please feel free to join us around the table, and bring a friend who thinks she isn't the knitting type.  She might just find that she's exactly the knitting type. 

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