Is it just me?

January 21, 2013 3 min read

Last week as I was writing the newsletter about finishing things, I thought maybe I would include my Springtime Bandit.  At that point I was on row 22 of the 34 of the edging rows, and decided I'd be finished too quickly for it to matter.

How wrong I was.

I worked merrily along until row 29.  My stitches didn't match up.  I reviewed the pattern and decided I could make it work, despite the uncompensated yarnover in row 27.   This must be part of how the shawl widens at the edge, I thought stupidly.  I worked several more of the nearly 300 stitch rows until I realized that things were just not going to work out.  I had screwed up somewhere.  The pattern had been a breeze thus far.  The chart was easy to follow and I could clearly read the pattern in my knitting.  Except for the center stitch, I hadn't even needed stitch markers to denote the pattern repeats.   Ah, the price of my hubris, I told Lynne that Tuesday - no stitch markers.  No wonder I got messed up. 

So I laboriously unknit several rows - did I mention that each row was about 300 stitches?  No, I had not used a lifeline - who needs lifelines in such an easy pattern?  Back to row 26 where I proceeded to place stitch markers between the pattern repeats.  Working row 27 again, I carefully counted stitches, worked the chart and counted again.  My stitches don't match up.  What the heck???  An error in the pattern?  On Ravelry, hundreds of people have posted about this pattern and no one has mentioned an error.  Okay.  I'm an idiot.  It's Thursday night at this point and I decided that I am just tired and I will just take it in to the shop Friday morning and look at it again in the clear light of day.

When I got to Leonardtown Friday, I saw Jenny's completed and beautifully blocked Springtime Bandit on display in the shop.  Now I felt like a super idiot.  She had started a week after I had.  I showed Ginni, and together we looked at the pattern, at my knitting, back at the pattern.  Counting.  Looking.  Then back at the pattern.  Then at Jenny's.  Then at mine.  There is definitely a problem.  A quick call to Jenny confirmed that there was an error in the pattern, and no, there was nothing about it on Ravelry.  Frustrated, but relieved not to be an idiot, I took a deep breath, made the changes to the chart, and knit most of the rest of the edging. 

I went to download a clean copy of the pattern and saw that one of the changes had been made already without mention of the change or any errata.  In case you are working this pattern, here's the fix I used for rows 27 and 29:

Row 27: there should be a ssk after the final yarnover in the beginning section just before the pattern repeat begins,  another ssk after the final yarnover at the end of the pattern repeat. 
Row 29: there should not be a yarnover at the end of the beginning section just before the pattern repeat begins, nor should there be a yarnover at the end of the pattern repeat.

There are other ways to correct the errors: Jenny used a double decrease in row 29, and that looks just fine as well.

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