April 23, 2024 2 min read 2 Comments

I was watching a video last month and the speaker, a PhD psychologist  said something really interesting.  He was talking about happiness, and how happiness starts with our friends and the environment — our wanting to be with the people we care about. When we spend time with those people,  all the other things kind of follow. He said that the same things that help us live to a healthy 95 are the things that make our lives happy.  The happiest people in the world are connecting socially and have about 6 hours a day of face to face conversations. 

Think about that a minute. Six hours a day, face to face.

Does it take more effort? Of course. It’s much harder to go out and meet a friend than it is to text them or like their social media post. Getting together with people takes effort. You have to reach out, coordinate schedules, make plans, 

Depending on your personality type, your social circle, and other factors, that can be tough. 

This is part of what makes a local yarn store such an important part of the community. 

You could go there knowing that on any given day there will always be people there who’re glad to to see you—people who are happy to chat about yarn or most anything else.

Sure, there are all manner of social media, and Ravelry has forums and  group chat, but it’s not the same. It’s not face to face, and the conversations are typically limited by topic. At Crazy for Ewe, around The Magic Table we’ve discussed knitting and yarn, sure, but also everything from birth and death,  to art and science,  love and life.

Friendships are made here—relationships fostered, careers launched, and lives enriched. 

I am saddened when I hear people say they get their yarn at an online discounter or at a big box store, because local yarn stores are important. What we offer is so much more than yarn. Every purchase you make at Crazy for Ewe helps keep us here, and that matters because people matter. 

I look forward to seeing you in the shop and around the table and being here to serve you for many years to come I'd love to hear your thoughts in the chat - share a story or let me know what's on your mind.



2 Responses

Donna B
Donna B

April 23, 2024

Oh Ellen! What you say is so true. I love the time spent face to face in a lesson with you or around the magic table with the sweet friends I’ve made through this community. I may not be local but can still be face to face. I love and cherish you all! God bless each and everyone ❤️


April 23, 2024

Thanks for the wonderful picture of so many faces I haven’t seen in a very long time. I miss everyone — thanks for making my day!

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