My snowed in project

February 08, 2010 1 min read

There’s not much to do when you’re snowed in and the cable and internet are both out. I spent much of Saturday and Sunday knitting and watching movies, and it was really quite pleasant. Elizabeth had gotten a copy of The Red Violin, and we'd been waiting for a time when we could watch it together. SInce it's a foreign film with subtitles, I needed something I could knit without looking - it certianly wasn't going to bemy Eastscarf.Then I remembered that my youngest had been asking me for a hatsince before Christmas.He had picked out a lovely turquoiseShepherd's Wool and we'd wound it into a pull skein. It had been sitting in my knitting bag for two months now, and here was the perfect opportunity! So I cast on around noon, and by Superbowl halftime, it was done.

1 skein Shepherd's Wool - $10

1 copy of The Red Violin - $28

Colton wearing his hat all day playing in the snow - priceless.

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